Celebrating the MacDonald Training Center
Special Olympics Florida would like to congratulate the MacDonald Training Center (MTC) in Tampa on its 70th anniversary of providing much-needed services to people with intellectual and other disabilities.
Since 1953, MTC has been improving the lives of people with ID through vocational skills training, post-secondary educational programs, employment placement services, residential support, and more. Most importantly, MTC has been a beacon of hope and champion of inclusion.
“The MacDonald Training Center has been a pioneer in fighting for the rights of people with all types of disabilities,” said Special Olympics Florida President and CEO Sherry Wheelock. “It has always recognized their talents and potential, and it has worked tirelessly to ensure they are given the opportunities they deserve. We are so fortunate – and grateful – to have such a committed, compassionate partner.”
Since 2015, Special Olympics Florida has partnered with MTC to bring Healthy Athletes screenings and programs to MTC clients, conducting some screenings at MTC offices. Healthy Athletes screenings touch on eight disciplines: Fit Feet, FUNfitness, Healthy Hearing, Health Promotion, Opening Eyes, Special Smiles, MedFest, and Strong Minds.
MTC also provides office space for some Special Olympics Florida staff members, making it easier for our staffers to connect with their clients.
Congratulations, again, to MTC. Thank you for being a community leader and champion.